Lea Michele’s Husband? Everything You Need to Know About Zandy Reich

Lea Michele, the talented actress known for her roles on Broadway and in television, has captivated audiences for years. But beyond her successful career, she has also built a loving and private life with her …

Lea Michele, the talented actress known for her roles on Broadway and in television, has captivated audiences for years. But beyond her successful career, she has also built a loving and private life with her husband, Zandy Reich. The couple’s relationship is a beautiful story of friendship turned romance, leading to a happy family life.

Lea Michele’s Journey to Finding Love

Lea Michele, 36, married Zandy Reich, 39, in 2019. Despite their public personas, they have managed to keep their relationship relatively private. The couple’s romance began in the summer of 2017, around the time Lea celebrated her 31st birthday with an Instagram post mentioning Zandy.

This post featured a photo of the two looking out at the water, with Lea’s arm around him. The caption read, “Last year, in this same spot, on this same day, you told me 30 was going to be the best year of my life… it was. So much to be grateful for, but mostly you… got a feeling 31 is going to be even better… ❤️ u Z.”

The Proposal and Engagement

By April 2018, Lea and Zandy were engaged. Lea recalled the proposal to People magazine, expressing her surprise and joy. “I think the first thing I said to him was, ‘Stop joking around!’ So I was super surprised,” she said. Despite advice to stay present during the proposal, both Lea and Zandy were so overwhelmed that they barely remembered the moment, jokingly asking each other, “Did we say yes? Is this happening?”

Their Private Wedding

The couple tied the knot in March 2019 in Northern California. Lea frequently shares photos from their special day on social media, particularly on their anniversaries, celebrating their journey together.

Zandy Reich’s Career and Background

Zandy Reich, a Philadelphia native, has made a name for himself in the fashion industry. He co-founded the clothing company AYR (All Year Round) in 2016. By May 2020, he transitioned to an advisor role at the company. Zandy’s academic background is impressive; he attended the University of Pennsylvania and played lacrosse, serving as the senior starting captain for his team. His leadership skills were honed both on and off the field, making him a successful businessman.

The Beginning of Lea and Zandy’s Relationship

Lea and Zandy met at a mutual friend’s wedding in 2015. Stephanie Hart Levinson and Zack Levinson, who introduced them, played a significant role in their initial friendship, which blossomed into romance around 2016. Lea shared a photo in July 2016 with a group of friends, including Zandy, hinting at their budding relationship.

Welcoming Their Son, Ever Leo

In August 2020, the couple welcomed their son, Ever Leo. Lea often shares adorable photos of Ever on social media, although she typically keeps his face covered to protect his privacy. One notable post featured Zandy holding Ever while he wore sunglasses, celebrating Zandy’s birthday in January 2022. Lea’s caption praised Zandy as the “greatest man, father, husband, and friend.”

Ryan Murphy’s Seal of Approval

Ryan Murphy, the creator of Glee, has been a significant figure in Lea’s life and supports her relationship with Zandy. At the 2017 Emmy Awards, Lea shared with E! News that Murphy’s approval meant a lot to her. “Ryan is like my family… when my boyfriend got the seal of approval from Ryan Murphy, that’s it.”

Continuing Their Journey Together

Lea and Zandy’s love story is one of resilience and joy. Despite Lea’s past heartbreak with the loss of her former boyfriend Cory Monteith, she has found happiness again. Lea’s social media posts reflect the joy and contentment she feels with Zandy, showing their strong bond and love for each other.


Lea Michele and Zandy Reich’s relationship is a testament to finding love and happiness after difficult times. Their journey from friends to life partners is heartwarming, and their shared life is filled with love and support. With a growing family and successful careers, Lea and Zandy continue to inspire with their story of enduring love.

FAQs About Lea Michele’s Husband, Zandy Reich

1. How did Lea Michele and Zandy Reich meet?
Lea and Zandy met at their mutual friends’ wedding in 2015. Their friends Stephanie Hart Levinson and Zack Levinson introduced them, leading to a lasting friendship that turned into romance.

2. What does Zandy Reich do for a living?
Zandy Reich is a co-founder of the clothing company AYR (All Year Round) and transitioned to an advisor role in 2020. He has a background in finance and has worked in the fashion industry for many years.

3. When did Lea Michele and Zandy Reich get married?
Lea Michele and Zandy Reich got married in March 2019 in Northern California. Their wedding was an intimate and romantic ceremony attended by close friends and family.

4. Do Lea Michele and Zandy Reich have any children?
Yes, the couple has a son named Ever Leo, born in August 2020. Lea frequently shares glimpses of their life with Ever on social media.

5. What role did Ryan Murphy play in Lea Michele’s relationship with Zandy Reich?
Ryan Murphy, the creator of Glee, has been a supportive figure in Lea’s life and relationship. His approval of Zandy was significant for Lea, and he even officiated their wedding.

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